Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Global Warming :: Real or Hoax

I have heard so much about Global Warming these days that I am wondering who is pushing all this stuff. I mean, I honestly don't believe it ~ not for a second. It is obvious to me that there are some serious political and social powers working behind the scenes. Doesn't anybody ready these days?

For instance, visit: and see for yourself what real scientist who have real experience with science have to say about the whole global warming debate. You will never hear a commentator on the news talk about them, nor will you ever here them ask the people they interview to actually provide proof for their statements. No, it is always emotions and hypothesis.

I am sitting here in St. Croix Falls, WI freezing my butt off because the earth is warming? Huh? The latest news on channel 11 ~ ~ is that Global Warming is causing it to snow more. What? Does anyone believe this? It is freezing outside and getting colder.

Al Gore has made it popular to be Green, but he is not the example of what Green is. His fictional "carbon footprint", which isn't real, is huge because of all the SUV's, Planes, and Secret Service guys that he drives around with. He has a mansion that is like a castle and uses energy like it is free. And he lectures us about warming the planet? Yea, that might be effective.

Now City Hall is looking to mandate Green Building Initiatives and Sustainable Design, etc. That all sounds good, but what it really does is raise the cost of everything you want to build. You will be paying higher prices for all the materials, for the guy that has to certify your building, the guy who checks up on the paperwork for your building, and the materials are worthless. They are made out of recycled crap materials that will fall apart if they get wet.

All the while, we are trying to save the earth, but China is allowed to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Ok, that is just stupid. We won't, but they can ~ so we can depend on all our friends in Venezuela and the Middle East. Perfect. Way to go Congress.

Wake up people of the world. Global Warming is a hoax. It is socialist behavior modification. It is a tool for the socialist Democrats to impose their views on your behaviors and make you do what they say. Don't fall for it!

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