Sunday, December 2, 2007

December 1, 2007 Snow Storm

Happy winter! We got our first significant snow yesterday. It was awesome. We got maybe a few inches, but it of course drifted like crazy right on our door step.

Ok, it wasn't this bad, but did have a lot of fun driving in the white out conditions down in Hudson for an impromtu shopping trip and sliding that night at our Friends house on their backyard hill.

The best part was coming home to a nice warm house since we left the woodburning stove (Vermont Casting - Encore) burning while we were gone. We watched a Christmas Little House on the Prairie (my wife's choice) and snuggled in front of the fire.

DEER Sighting or Sitting...
Ok, so I just said how so many deer were killed this last week from hunting. Well, apparently not enough were taken. As we got onto the on ramp at Hwy 8 & 35S we passed 2 huge does standing on the side of the road. They had a blanket of snow on them and they looked at us as if to say, "what, you never seen a deer before?" Anyways, it was pretty funny.

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